What can I expect from a session?

  • In our sessions you will be given space to express your thoughts, fears, emotions and aspirations without judgment.

  • You will be guided by compassion, empathy, and a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by today's society, traditions and cultures.

  • Our aim is to rediscover your purpose & goals, and embark on a journey towards inner freedom.

  • Whether you are spiritual, non spiritual or just looking for some help or guidance this healing works for everyone.

  • Every client is unique. Once we are able to identify the issues or challenges we can integrate the necessary guidance and healing required.

  • Most Sessions will consist of a combination between Card Counselling and empowered coaching. Once the blocks have been identified we will use regression healing to overcome them.

  • I do not like to implement a full structure of sessions. I believe in letting sessions flow organically. As we connect you may find more issues come to light as we progress.

  • I may draw on other modalities to aid you in this journey. These may also include but not limited to: energy healing & clearing, visualisation, affirmations, inner child work, soul retrieval and any other therapeutic interventions tailored to the your needs.

SoulFreedom Sessions adhere to strict confidentiality guidelines and professional ethics. The therapist maintains the privacy and confidentiality of client information and ensures that the therapeutic relationship is built on trust, integrity, and professionalism.