Well done for having the courage to reach this stage. Not everyone is ready to face the real truth of what is holding them back.

Remember you are in investing this time and energy in overcoming your blocks and unleashing your power.

Healing is a Journey and cannot be rushed. You may be faced with great challenges and may take longer than expected to over come.

Do not be too hard on yourself.

SoulFreedom Sessions:

Oracle Guidance Counselling | Power Coaching - £111 (60 mins)

In an Oracle Guidance Counselling session, individuals can expect intuitive insights and spiritual guidance through personalised oracle card readings. The session provides clarity on life issues, uncovers hidden perspectives, and empowers individuals to make informed decisions aligned with their highest good.

In a Power Coaching session, individuals can expect a dynamic blend of holistic and practical strategies, aiming for comprehensive personal and professional growth. The session involves the identification and dissolution of limiting beliefs, goal alignment, emotional empowerment, and actionable steps toward a more fulfilling life.

Regression Healing - £188 (90 mins)

In a Regression Healing session, individuals can expect a profound journey into their past or past life, addressing and resolving unresolved issues. This therapeutic experience aims to bring about healing, understanding, and personal transformation by exploring past memories and their impact on current challenges.

There will be a 30 mins reflection session a week after the initial session to see how the healing has intergrated and the impact it has had on you in overcoming issues.

*Oracle guidance will also be included in a Regression Healing Session.

Akashic Healing Journey - (Coming Soon)

Watch this space!

Get in touch to discuss timings or book your guidance call below!

SoulFreedom Transformation:

An exclusive bespoke journey, integrating Regression Healing, Power Coaching, Oracle Guidance Counselling alongside a full range of healing modalities such as Soul Retrieval, Inner Child Healing, Energy Healing, Parts Work, Chord Cutting and Meditative Guidance.

Tailored for inner freedom, this unique package guides clients through a personalised process, unraveling symptoms rooted in past traumas. You will be equipped with the tools, knowledge, guidance and understanding of how to overcome inner and outer challenges you are dealing with.

This involves a practical, hands-on method, that is tailored to your specific needs, desires and outcome.

Embark on a transformative journey to unlock your true self, dissolve limiting beliefs, and navigate life with empowered clarity. Experience profound healing and empowerment on your path to lasting transformation.

Get in touch to discuss timings and duration or book your guidance call below!

Preparing for a Session:

  • All Sessions will be conducted via Zoom. The link will be sent in the confirmation email.

  • Please ensure you are undisturbed for the duration of the session, particularly during regression healing.

  • For an Oracle Guidance Counselling session you will given space to receive messages through oracle cards. I encourage you to bring questions or concerns that you are having that you may need guidance on.

  • For a Regression Healing session will be based on regression healing. It would be best for this part to be conducted wearing headphones. If this is not possible than a speaker should suffice or just ensuring your listening device is on loud, so you are able to hear me clearly.

  • Please ensure you have a comfortable seat / bed where you can lie back or lay down to allow the hypnosis process to fully take over.

  • Please leave 30 mins to 1 Hour free after your session incase we go over time and to also leave time for self reflection and healing integration.

  • You may also need some tissues in case of any emotional release, so please have a some handy!